Comments on: Sophoan Sanh Birding in Cambodia with expert bird guides of CBGA. CBGA is a local organization provides ecotours to support wildlife conservation and local communites. Sun, 24 Dec 2023 19:43:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Renee Braithwaite Sun, 24 Dec 2023 19:43:55 +0000 So, I hope you will remember us!
It is such a shame you have not been to the birdfair for a long time.
Would you contact me please?
I am afraid I have to tell you that Giles died earlier this year. Fortunately for him his illness was short.
I would like to travel again but feel I need to go with someone that knows me and I can trust.

By: JanJaap (JJ) Brinkman Sun, 27 Feb 2022 14:38:57 +0000 Dear Sophoan, I am JJ janjaap brinman, a Dutch birder, we met at the lower part of Mt Kinabalu in Sabah in 2019 at the Whitehead’s broadbill. We exchanged emails. I have sent a message to your yahoo mail, but so far no reply.
I am based in Singapore and see that it is possible to go to cambodia. I am thinking to go for a few days to visit a friend and do some birding. Are you still guiding people? Would it still be possible to see the cranes and the Ibis or is it already too late?
Rgds JJ
